New Look and New Facebook Page

3/30/2011 05:07:00 PM Posted by Mackenzie

I've been wanting to make changes to the website for a long time. Unfortunately, due to lack of time and resources I was unable to spend the time. Until now! As you can see I am using a new template that I was able to modify to my liking due to my knowledge in XML and Javascript. Love that as a computer techie I can take the bare bones of something and make it mine.

I am thinking of a graphic logo to replace the title and hopefully will be able to replace it soon. In the meantime, please take a look around and forgive the "in progress" of some of the new pages. I will eventually have everything completed.

I have also created a page on Facebook so you can follow the site either through GMail or Facebook and maybe, eventually through Twitter, although I'm not sure I'm going in that direction yet.

I truly hope you enjoy the new site and what I am trying to accomplish and above all I hope you are able to save money and time so you can use BOTH on the things that mean the most.


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